Join Flights for Their Future CIC.
Generating biodiversity, striving for a sustainable and ecologically safe future for all.
Working Together for a Brighter Future
Flights For Their Future CIC is a registered Community Interest Company (not-for-profit) committed to helping create an ecologically safe planet for future generations – people and wildlife alike. A company who understand the necessity of travel. All forms of motorised transport from motorbikes to private jets can produce huge amounts of CO2 emissions.
Whether you travel frequently or not, we all have a carbon footprint. You can help offset or partly offset your footprint with us by making a contribution/donation, or purchasing trees for us to plant. If you are a landowner (big or small) and are able to help, please get in touch. Our planet needs you.
We have found it very popular recently for people wishing to plant trees, or make donations for someone they have sadly lost. Please see more about this on our Plant A Tree or Donate pages.
In addition, High-Profile Figures and Celebrities who need to travel frequently due to the nature of their business, often have to use high polluting methods of transport such as private jets and helicopters. Many, recognise this and are concerned about the impact this has on the environment. By working with us, we can help them make great strides towards their travel/touring/concerts etc, becoming CARBON NEUTRAL by offsetting some or all of their CO2 travel emissions.
CO2 emissions remain in the atmosphere from 300-1000+ years
Visit our Projects and News pages to see the woodland project work from last season and the 5 projects we have planned so far for this upcoming planting season. Our fund raising activities will be added shortly.
Making a Difference
By working directly with us supporting the work we do, donations, purchases, the generosity of landowners allowing us to use a portion of their land and farmers introducing Agroforestry projects with us, will help to ensure we can progress with our future projects to make a real difference towards combatting the effects of climate change. This will give peace of mind knowing we are all doing what we can to offset our carbon emissions and more.
The majority of donations/purchases will relate to travel and its intended purposes, be it from cars for the school run, a trip to the shops or private jets and helicopters for concert tours and football matches for our benefit.
Profits go back into the company. With these donations we can carry out our future projects working in conjunction with landowners, established charities, other not-for-profits and research companies both in the UK and worldwide, recreating eco-systems with and for communities where they are needed most.
It is of no surprise to anyone that the planet is in a critical state and on the brink of devastation from which there is no return. Conservation has helped over the years, but we must do more to make a difference.
NOW, is sadly the last chance we all have to save our planet – wildlife and humanity.

Polar ice caps are melting at a rapidly increasing rate. Extreme heat causing forest fires and droughts, flooding, storms, hurricanes, monsoons, all destroying homes, crops, wildlife, even people are dying as a result. This is due to Climate Change partially caused by deforestation and pollution, creating an increase of CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gasses causing the earth’s temperature to increase.
When ice from glaciers melts, rather than the white ice and snow refracting the suns heat back out of the atmosphere, it reveals darker rock and earth which absorbs it, heating the planet further. Humanity is causing irreparable damage to the planet.
We are the last generation
who can stop climate change
The beauty of what we had and what is now slipping away.

Working together we can help to stop and in some cases, reverse the effects CO2 is having on our planet.
Due to climate change, extinction is a big concern. Between 1970 and 2016, 4,400 of approximately 21,000 monitored species around the world have declined by an average of 68%. This was published in the WWF’s Living Planet Report in 2020.
As there are more and more of these phenomenal events, we are seeing declines in population of plants, marine and aquatic life, amphibians, insects, birds and other wildlife including animals that we all know and love from polar bears, koalas, African elephants and sea turtles to the humble bee which is essential in pollination. Other wildlife we have lost completely. Some reports say that by the middle of the century we will have lost one third of the world’s animal species due to greenhouse gasses and tree deforestation, if we don’t do something about it now.
Flights For Their Future CIC want to help reduce CO2 emissions caused by travel, We want to create as many woodlands, forests and hedgerows as possible, creating habitat and biodiversity essential for all life on earth, including human. This work will benefit local communities, provide jobs and contribute to an ecologically safe planet for future generations.
Our vision is to build a world where humans live in harmony with nature, where the planet is ecologically safe and sustainable for generations to come. We strive to create a future where all life, including animals and nature, is treated with the respect and care it deserves. We believe in preserving our planet’s biodiversity, protecting its natural resources, and ensuring that all creatures have access to food, water, and their natural habitat.
Flights For Their Future CIC want to help reduce CO2 emissions caused by travel, which are destroying the planet. We want to create as many woodlands, forests and hedgerows as possible, creating habitat and biodiversity essential for all life on earth, including human. This work will benefit local communities, provide jobs and contribute to an ecologically safe planet for future generations.
Our vision is to build a world where humans live in harmony with nature, where the planet is ecologically safe and sustainable for generations to come. We strive to create a future where all life, including animals and nature, is treated with the respect and care it deserves. We believe in preserving our planet’s biodiversity, protecting its natural resources, and ensuring that all creatures have access to food, water, and their natural habitat.
Restoring Biodiverse Ecosystems: A Vital Solution to Combat Carbon Emissions
Urgent Need for Reforestation Efforts to Combat Climate Change
Our Planet Needs You
It is a common misconception that ‘oh it won’t affect me in my lifetime’ but the affects are happening now and will affect you! Our world, our planet which has existed for millions of years and given mankind life for centuries is slowly dying because of our actions. Everyone wants an ecologically safe, habitable planet. Humans have caused this problem. Initially innocently, unknowingly, which is by no fault of our own, but now we know, for decades we have known. The scientists have been warning us and now we are seeing it much faster than predicted.
In the UK, we now only have 2% of our ancient woodland left. Only 13% of the UK now woodland.
“When it comes to climate change like with anything, if you see an injustice, whether it affects you directly, someone you care about, or the environment in which you live, it’s important to take action. Continuing the way we are and staying silent, is not an option. We need to stand up and act. It is crucial that we do so now. Don’t ignore the problem or dismiss its severity. We love our world and what it gives us, we love our children, our wildlife, we believe there can still be a future if we stand up and do something. Don’t ignore it, because they need you and our planet needs you!”
The world is a living planet, knowing this is happening and doing nothing about it, is an injustice, we believe there can still be a future if we stand up and do something. Don’t sit down, this is happening now. Save our planet.

Every piece of land bought and every tree planted can recognise those we have lost and help towards some of the mental health issues so many of us have to deal with on a daily basis. Nobody knows what people are going through behind the smile. Being able to plant a tree which will grow and develop for hundreds of years. Knowing it is giving life to others, is one way we can help
Frequently Asked Questions
You can really help us by donating, buying trees and volunteering.
First and foremost, landowners will benefit by creating a lasting legacy, by helping combat Climate Change, creating a beautiful lasting woodland that benefits them, the public and future generations, including animals and other wildlife.
Tree planting can offer opportunities to diversify and could generate extra income. For example, land, soil and conditions permitting, by planting fruit or nut trees, fresh produce could be sold locally or made into other commercial products increasing land productivity and giving potential to provide local jobs or volunteering.
The trees would enhance the land even further. By creating woodlands, the landowner can build and increase biodiversity, provide access to nature, shelter livestock such as deer, birds and other wildlife.
Depending on where and how many trees are planted, they could prevent flooding to the land and protect communities downstream from flood risk and reduce soil erosion.
Landowners allowing us to plant trees, could make them eligible for Carbon Credits if registered as a Woodlands Creation Project in advance.
We have visibility on the social networking platforms, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Landowners can be added to the website and social media platforms, promoting them by the public knowing they are also doing their bit for the fight against Climate Change and an ecologically safe planet for future generations.
We need to plant trees fast and as a priority because Climate Change is already happening. As a landowner you can be a part of it and help make a difference. In some instances, you can qualify for grants which will benefit you and us as a company developing faster and enabling us to do more essential work.
We liaise with other established charities in order to gain the best education and knowledge possible so each sapling tree planted will have the very best chance to flourish to its utmost potential, each one will be planted in the correct soil and environment and protected from pests.
Allowing us to use your land, can help to change England’s landscapes and treescapes for the better and help towards saving the planet.
If you’re a landowner looking to help, get in touch with us at [email protected]
A Community Interest Company or CIC is a company who works not-for-profit. It is a special type of Limited company which exists to benefit the community rather than the private shareholders and is regulated by the Community Interest Company Regulator.
Our aim is to contribute to reducing carbon emissions in the atmosphere by creating and rewilding forests and woodlands, encouraging healthy biodiversity to rebuild eco-structures in the UK and worldwide where needed most.
Every piece of land bought and every tree planted can recognise those we have lost and help towards some of the mental health issues so many of us have to deal with on a daily basis. Nobody knows what people are going through behind the smile. Being able to plant a tree which will grow and develop for hundreds of years, knowing it is giving life to others, is one way we can help, but we need the land or donations to buy the land to plant them on.
Our projects will start in the UK, supporting and working with existing established companies and charities, not-for-profit companies, researchers and scientists, local communities and landowners. Future projects will expand to continents and countries worldwide, working with local communities in some of the more remote places where it is required most. Improving habitations, creating volunteering opportunities and small income jobs for the communities preparing and maintaining the land so forestry can regenerate as quickly as possible.
LINCOLNSHIRE PROJECT – HEMSWELL – Phase 1, 100+ trees in the ground.
On Good Friday 29th March 2024, we completed phase 1 of the Hemswell project, in the beautiful county of Lincolnshire, courtesy of a local landowner James Roberts. This involved rejuvenating a current woodland, with tress and woodland flowers, extending an orchard, and planting more trees at the far end and perimeter.
The trees tied in with their current species which are all thriving well. In the orchard, Pear, Plums, Apples and Damsons the other areas were a mix of Fir/Conifers, Silver Birch, Oak, Wild Cherry, Hawthorn, Rowan, Crab Apple, Hazel and Field Maple. All sourced and grown from UK seed from trusted suppliers including the Woodland Trust.
Phase 2 will involve creating hedgerows and and extending existing ones.
We are all very grateful to the landowner and everyone had a fantastic time carrying out the project. We also received some excellent hospitality from the hosts, James and Samantha.
We had some great contributions, thank you to you all. Special shout out to the
Foster’s/Pagliari’s and Ben and Megan Nelson from Our Warwickshire Home. Instagram ourwarwickshirehome1 both of whom were very generous in their donations toward the project.
Looking forward to getting started on phase 2.
We also have a proposed SECOND LINCOLNSHIRE PROJECT in the pipeline, also involving hedgerows, details of which will follow.
This project will start around November time once the main tree planting season commences.
We will be working with a Warwickshire landowner and again are very grateful, excited and looking forward to getting started.
Not only is this project local to Flights For Their Future CIC, but it will have a very special emotional connection with us and my family.
Photographs of the project will be added once the project begins.
High-Profile figures and Celebrities who need to travel regularly for their work
General public and local communities
Reforestation companies and charities
Charlotte Scott – Managing Director
Harry Scott – Director
Emma Scott – Head of Marketing
Emma Scott – Emma Scott Web Design – Thank you for the amazing work you have done creating our website.
Anyone can get involved, individuals, schools, local communities, landowners, businesses. All ages can help, from planting, project support or even offering and providing refreshments to the teams whilst they are working also, by spreading the word.
Contact us, letting us know your skills, what you would like to do and we will find a way for you to help.
We want there to be an ecologically safe planet for our children and future generations and for the future of all forms of wildlife.
Let’s contribute to making that happen. We are on the brink, but it is not too late if we act now and work hard and fast.
Please contact us at [email protected] or on +44 (0)1926 935211 for an informal discussion on how you can help by volunteering.
A tribute in memory of Victoria Helen Smith 1976 – 2019. My Sister. One of the kindest, most loving and beautiful people and who would have been an invaluable asset in the company with her generosity and her skills and experience in event management, taken too soon.
Every piece of land bought and every tree planted can recognise those we have lost and help towards some of the mental health issues so many of us have to deal with on a daily basis. Nobody knows what people are going through behind the smile. Being able to plant a tree which will grow and develop for hundreds of years, knowing it is giving life to others, is one way we can help, but we need the land or donations to buy the land to plant them on.