APF Exhibition 2024 Forestry Woodlands & more

With the the APF Exhibition being the UK’s largest forestry, woodland, arboriculture, firewood. fencing, trees and timber trade show, it really was a fantastic event for keeping up to date, learning about other areas within the industry and an opportunity for some great networking.

Flights For Their Future CIC were only able to attend APF for two of the three days, but found it incredibly useful and met with some potential collaborators and we have various avenues to follow up on.

The APF has lots on interesting activities going on in addition to what you would normally expect, such as axe throwing and pole racing.

Flights For Their Future CIC were primarily at APF to keep up to date with the ever evolving woodland and forestation industry.  We want to get as many trees planted as quickly as possible to help offset carbon emissions. We saw the latest pest protection tubes, some were 100% recyclable and some 100% biodegradable. It is great to see these improvements, but they are still more expensive than the standard ones.  It would be great for the prices on these to come down in order that we can plant more trees with a great success rate and no waste or further pollution.

We are excited to see new industry updates in action at future events.

APF Exhibition 2024
APF Exhibition
APF Exhibition
APF Exhibition
APF Exhibition
APF Exhibition

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APF Exhibition 2024

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